There was a time when gallbladder and cholecystectomy issues were the most common medical malpractice cases that we saw. In recent years, complications of gastric bypass surgery may have become even more common in medical malpractice. The rise of the number of these cases being litigated is probably due to a number of factors and is open to debate, so I won't go into that nest of hornets. But I have seen a common need for a general orientation to the anatomy and surgical techniques involved, so that is the topic of this piece.
First, lets cover the purpose of gastric bypass. For those obese patients who find it impossible to lose weight through traditional diet and exercise programs, gastric bypass surgery can be effective. This surgery involves a dramatic reduction in the size of the stomach reducing the amount of food that can be consumed in any one meal and therefore imposing caloric intake restrictions on the patient after surgery.
To understand the surgery, you must first understand the basics of the anatomy involved. Food that is swallowed flows down through a muscular

In a gastric bypass the stomach is divided so that only a small portion of the upper part of the stomach is left attached to the esophagus. Although food can still get into this small pouch through the esophagus, it cannot get out, so a way must be devised to allow

Finally, let's look at the language a bit more closely. Most laymen are put off by the excessively medical sounding title "Roux-en-Y anastomosis". Don't let the name scare you. First, what is an anastomosis? It's simple. Just know that an anastomosis is a connection between two tubular structures. This could be a connection between two blood vessels, two bile ducts or in this case, two segments of bowel. So what about Roux-en-Y? Don't let the name of the famous Swiss surgeon throw you off. A Roux-en-Y anastomosis is any connection of any two segments of bowel in a Y-shaped pattern, so the "Y" part of the name is what is important for you to remember. So long as you understand that this procedure involves a transection of the bowel, connection of the distal segment to the stomach and connection of the proximal segment of the bowel lower down on the distal segment, it will be clear to you. See the animation at the top of the article and you will see that this is a rather straightforward concept.